
Camilla Hendren Camilla Hendren

Unconsious Bias

Covid and Virtual • Therapy Partisan Divisiveness • TRacial Equity

Covid and Virtual Therapy

Covid pandemic has impacted us all--it has induced stress and anxiety. Unemployment, homelessness, social distancing, wearing masks, not touching surfaces, not being around loved ones, isolation in our homes, fear of contracting it, fear of spreading it, fear of death. Covid has brought death and grieving to those who survived. I am here to help you with this anxiety and grief and also the stresses of reintegrating back into society after getting the vaccine.

Partisan Divisiveness

In 2020, there has also been increased partisan division that has caused family members to turn against each other. With Trump refusing to admit that he lost the election and then the insurrection on January 6th, anxiety was stacked on top of the pandemic. People are lost in trying to restore their relationships with family members who vote differently than them. I am here to help you unpack and process this dilemma.

Racial Equity

With the police brutality and the murder of George Floyd in June of 2020, racial inequities and mistreatment were fully brought to the surface through national and international protests by blacks and whites and other races. Racism has been an ongoing issue for over 400 years, since slaves were first brought to America. This historical trauma was carried on by Jim Crow laws in the south. Today, we are working towards having conversations to make changes in our system and also at a personal/interpersonal level. I am a culturally competent clinician. I am here to support people of color and to help them cope. It is my opinion that every black person has experienced racial trauma, a.k.a. PTSD. If you haven’t participated in therapy before, please rest assured that I will provide a safe, supportive space.I also am here to help white people identify their own implicit biases and explicit biases. Through recognition, one can move towards change.

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