
I am thinking about intentions and inspiring you all to identify what is meaningful to you that you would like to focus on.

In order to get you charged up, I would like to explore self-care and self-development first. I know this can be overwhelming trying to figure out what you want to focus on, but let’s just start with simplicity and the basics. Sleeping more, getting to bed earlier, resting–these are things that we forget about and are the basic foundation to good health. And what about drinking more water? Then there's the intention of breathing more from your diaphragm, regulating your nervous system with slow, deep breaths. We want to start with tiny steps. Maybe doing some yoga stretches each day. Possibly meditating with a guided meditation on an app or meditating on your own. On a deeper level–do you need to tend to your sorrow and/or your grief; to hold yourself? Do you want to learn how to stop shoulding on yourself? Do you want to stop shaming yourself and learn how to love and accept yourself? Perhaps you are exploring your gender identity or your sexual orientation and you want to talk about that more.

Let’s look at purpose and meaning secondly. What do you want to learn about yoursef? Where do you need to take action? What communities do you need to connect with? What makes you feel alive? What feeds you intellectually, spiritually and physically? How can you start initiating and moving towards your values? Do you want to revisit an old hobby or start a new one? It is important to focus on what brings us joy and sparks us. Creating is often a big part of finding joy and meaning. Filling our time with activities that are regenerative–making some food, curling up with a book, petting our cat or dog–these things bring meaning and purpose. Maybe plant a tree, join a community garden, reconnect with nature by going on a hike, write a poem and/or journal. Perhaps reach out to your senators and state representatives, writing a letter expressing your concerns and what you would like to happen. This can be cathartic, knowing that we can share our thoughts with Congress and possibly persuade them to take action.

And now let’s move to relationships. What connections do you want to water? Start with your pet if you have one, maybe a family member, your lover or spouse, a friend you have not connected with in a while, an acquaintance that you would like to grow closer to. How can you listen more deeply? How can you let yourself be changed by those around you? How can you show up with compassion and love and understanding? Perhaps you want to focus on detachment from the haters and move towards those that are more loving and supportive. Setting boundaries and speaking assertively are skills to continuously work on and develop in order to create healthier relationships.

Ultimately, the goal is to find our authentic selves and reconnect with our truth, to love ourselves and to give ourselves a break. We are human. We all mess up and life is messy and intentions need to be simple. What do you visualize yourself doing and being? I encourage you to pick out three intentions and then write them down. Come back and revisit them each month. And remember to acknowledge how compassionate and wise you truly are. You have everything within you to succeed and we can make this experience a time of growth.


Mindfulness and Being Present with Emotions


Partisan Divisiveness, Racial Equality, Covid & Virtual Therapy